Monday, July 26, 2010

My weekends!

Well, it is Monday morning, finally. I don't like the weekends...It use to be it was a time for family get together and doing special things with family. Well, that died along with my husband. My children can't fit me into their busy schedules. I have text and even called some of my kids....they dont pick up or even acknowledge they got the call. My daughter Lynn does check up on me to see if I need anything and she takes me to the store to buy groceries. However, when I am with her I feel so guilty having to tag along. I have lost my freedom when I sold my car. As far as buying another..I don't see that ever happening. I just can't afford it. I will be getting my Widow's SSI in December and that will cover my rent an utilities. There just is no money for car payments. So, am stuck at home all the time. I am finding that the television is my only means of entertainment and heck my company as well.

So, I am embarrassed to say my kids don't want me around. No, I am not a drinker nor a drug user, nor do I want a man around anymore. I guess the only thing wrong with me is I am broke and I don't have the money I use to. I can only conclude I am an embarrassment to some of my children. I read my Bible and watch HGTV. Gosh, I am an old lady!

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